Vintage eyewear are able to transcend trends, ages and styles. What's more is that nearly any pair will 'suit' you; it's just a matter of perception. As long as you are comfortable with them, they are the right pair and you should look no further.

But with so many stunning options to choose from, how do you find the ideal pair that complements your unique features? Fear not, as we present to you our tips on selecting vintage sunglasses based on your face shape, complexion, and other body characteristics.


Understanding Face Shapes:

The first step to finding the perfect pair of sunglasses is understanding your face shape. Here are our tips and recommendations:

ROUND FACE: If you have wide cheekbones and a rounded jaw, angular frames like square or rectangular glasses can add definition to your soft curves.

round faceround face

SQUARE FACE: Soften the strong angles of a square face with frames that feature rounded or oval shapes, creating a harmonious and balanced look.

square face


OVAL FACE: If you have a long and rounded face, lucky you! Most styles suit oval faces, so experiment with various shapes to find your personal flair. 

oval faceoval face


HEART-SHAPED FACE: For a pointy jawline, go for cat-eye or aviator styles! These complement narrower chins and broader foreheads beautifully.

heart-shaped faceHeart shape face

Harmonizing with Complexion:

Consider your skin tone when choosing the color of your vintage sunglasses:

Warm Tones: Earthy tones like tortoiseshell, gold, or warm browns will enhance your natural glow.

Cool Tones: Silvers, blues, and cool greens can complement fair complexions and add a refreshing touch.

Neutral Tones: Lucky if you fall into this category! Most colors will suit you, so feel free to experiment.


Matching with Other Characteristics:

In addition to face shape and complexion, other body characteristics play a role in finding the perfect vintage sunglasses:

Hair Color: Dark frames can provide a striking contrast for light-colored hair, while lighter frames can complement darker shades of hair.

Hairstyle: Consider your hairstyle and its volume when choosing the size and shape of your sunglasses.

Wardrobe Style: Your sunglasses should match your overall style, so take your wardrobe into account.